On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Professor Hansteens gate: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Professor Hansteens gate Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Other Recycling - 123m - - BIR - private access Zetlitz' gate, 9 Recycling - 346m - - BIR Parkveien Returpunkt Recycling - 302m - - BIR - private access Ole Vigs gate, 6 Recycling - 328m - - BIR - private access Welhavens gate, 49B Recycling - 301m - - BIR - private access Stubs gate Recycling - 184m - - BIR - private access Welhavens gate, 57 Recycling - 252m - - Frelsesarméen Thormøhlens gate Recycling - 244m - Thormøhlens gate Recycling - 158m - - BIR - private access Welhavens gate, 64 Recycling - 212m - - BIR - private access Wolffs gate, 16 government offices - 304mDepartment of Estate and Facilities Management Parkveien, 9 Fountain - 416m - Fuglebadet Waste Basket - 322m - Parkveien Waste Basket - 396m - Vannhagen Waste Basket - 391m - Vannhagen Waste Basket - 350m - Parkveien, 2 office-yes - 411mRafto Foundation for Human Rights Menneskerettighetenes plass, 1 Toilets - 482m - - public access Parkveien, 31 Vending Machine - 334m - Parkveien office-it - 659mApparat Damsgårdsveien, 82 Phone: +4797979757 Email: hei@apparat.no Apparat er et IT- og medieselskap Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00 sport-gym - 641mEVO Damsgårdssundet Damsgårdsveien Opening hours: Mo-Su 05:00-24:00 Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Professor Hansteens gate